Warto wiedzieć – Ciekawostki:
Na tej stronie znajdą Państwo dodatkowe ciekawe informacje na temat elektromobilności, innowacji z zakresu techniki pojazdów, dokumentacje ważnych projektów z tego zakresu tematycznego, wraz z ciekawymi publikacjami Unii Europejskiej, naszych partnerów w Polsce i we Włoszech oraz z Niemiec.
Unia Europejska:
This paper/communication sets out a strategy by the European commission for encouraging the development and uptake of clean and energy efficient vehicles. The strategy builds on the existing strategy of 2007 with the aim to reduce CO2 emissions. It is the will of the commission to support electric vehicles because pure electric vehicles appear to be most promising for urban use.
- A European strategy on clean and energy efficient vehicles
- deutschenglischpolnischitalienisch
In the past months, the European automotive industry has been facing an increasingly difficult period, with the EU market for new cars declining for the fifth consecutive year. For this reason the European commission created an action plan to support the automotive industry. This plan includes investing in advanced technologies so as in financing innovation.
- Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable automotive industry in Europe
- deutschenglischpolnischitalienisch
Erasmus Plus is a program by the European Union for education, training, youth and Sport from 2014 until 2020. The program provides the opportunity for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad. The program is implemented by national agencies.
- Erasmus Plus
- deutschenglischpolnischitalienisch
The BMBF supports the development of electric mobility by funding researches and encouraging the exchange between industry, academia and business.
- Website of the Federal ministry of education and research about electric mobility.
A lot of projects coordinated by the BIBB are including electro mobility because it is seen as a field with most promising future. The main activities refer to the qualification in the craft automotive and electrical trades, construction and industrial electrical trades. From the various current and future studies and analyzes the BIBB develops recommendations for the vocational training policy.
- Website of the Federal institute for vocational education and training
eMO is the central contact in Berlin for electromobility. The agency connects different players, acquires new partners for regional, national, and international projects and promotes activities. One example is the Berlin –Brandenburg international showcase for electromobility which is coordinated by eMO.
- Berlin Agency for electromobility
- eMO Berlin
- Website of the ministry of economic affairs with information about the determinants of electromobility
- Information about the determinants of electromobility
- Website of the chamber of automobile with the conditions of electromobility in Poland.
- Conditions of electromobility
- Website of Smart Mobility Expo 2014
- www.smartmobility.ambereexpo.pl
- Website of the 5th electromobility congress in Poland
- www.kongresmobilnosci.pl
This is a project, which started in 2011 to support a more sustainable mobility in the local area of Vicenza. It summarizes national and regional laws and opportunities for privates and especially businesses interested in changing their car/fleet and it houses a number of initiatives at a local level.
- Project: Futuro elettrizzante in Vicenza, Italy
- Futuro elettrizzante
This is a community/forum with practical information for e-vehicle users in Italy. It informs where to find charging stations, fairs and other information.
- Website with pratical information
- www.ruote-elettriche.it
Materiały i linki:
The OCED Directorate for Education and Skills develops and analyses the quantitative, internationally comparable indicators and publishes the results in “Education at a Glance”. It is the product of a long-standing, collaborative effort between OECD governmental experts and institutions working within the framework of the OECD Indicators of Education Systems Program and the OECD Secretariat.
- OECD Study : „Education at a Glance“
- www.oecd-ilibrary.orgMultilingual Summaries