Article in the May-Newsletter of the NA BIBB: BGZ project Learning e-Mobility Plus is Good Pratice in the programme Erasmus+

The BGZ-project Learning e-Mobility Plus is good practice in the new dissemination manual of the NA BIBB

Learning e-Mobility Plus presented as Good Practice in the Journal of the National Agency on the issue „30 Jahre europäische Bildungskooperationen“

Symposium of our joint EU project „Learning e-Mobility Plus“
BGZ, Automotive Guild Berlin and HTW Berlin invite you:
to the Round Table „Learning together in the technology of the future – electromobility”

program and registration form

„Learning e-Mobility Plus“ at the Long Night of the Sciences on 11 June 2016. Our project partner the HTW Berlin invites!

Inauguration of the new realty of automotive and a special open space dedicated to electric mobility in the Pia Società San Gaetano. Government and industrial authorities along with journalists visited the vocational training center. In this event, the project “Learning e-Mobility Plus” was presented, too. Link

Multiplier Event of the Italian partners at the fair “JobOrienta” Verona, 26.-28.11.2015 – Electromobility in the vocational education

„Learning e-Mobility Plus“ representants entered into dialogue with professional and education experts in the symposium LEARNING WORLD ELECTROMOBILITY in the HTW Berlin. Link

The third Transnational Meeting of the project takes place from 21 to 23 September 2015 in Poznan
Article Berlin Agency for Electromobility eMO

  • Arbeitstreffen in der Technischen Universität Posen PUT Workshop in the Technical University Poznan PUTSpotkanie robocze na Politechnice Poznańskiej PUTIncontro di lavoro all'università tecnica di Posen PUT
  • Bau des LernmodellsConstruction of the learning modelBudowa modeli nauczaniaCostruzione dei modelli di apprendimanto
  • Besichtigung der Werkstatt von ZSSVisit in the repair shop of ZSS Zwiedzanie warsztatów ZSSVisita all'officina di ZSS

The project was showcased as one of the good practice projects in the NA BIBB symposium “New competences for new employment opportunities”

Junior Mechanic in Eggenburg (Austria): success of the Polish project partner ZSS in the international apprentice competition of automotive technicians in Eggenburg

During four days, from 3 to 6 June 2015, the international competition “Junior Mechanic” took place in the LBS Eggenburg. The apprentices of ZSS individually earned the second and third place, as a team they earned the first place!
Since 2000, the Junior Mechanic competition takes place every year in another country (Germany, France, Lithuania, Poland, Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey and Austria)

Link 1, Link 2

In the second Transnational Meeting, this time in Vicenza from 2 to 4 February 2015, the project team evaluates the first project results

The Kick-off of the project in Berlin includes a company visit in the Mercedes-Welt am Salzufer Daimler AG

  • Check des ArbeitsplansChecking the working planKontrola planu pracy Agenda di lavoro
  • Begriffsklärung im WorkshopExplanation of terms in the workshopWyjaśnienie pojęć Spiegazione della terminolgia al Workshop
  • Betriebsbesuch in der Mercedes-Welt am Salzufer Daimler AGCompany visit in the Mercedes-Welt am Salzufer Daimler AG Wizyta w „Swiecie Mercedesa”- am Salzufer Daimler AGVisita alla Mercedes di Salzufer Daimler AG
  • ErfahrungsaustauschExperience exchangeWymiana doświadczeńScambio d'esperienze

Start of Learning e-Mobility Plus as BGZ’s first Erasmus + project: Skilled crafts and university develop new educational material for the electromobility sector
